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The Lectio Course - helping us to listen to God

An occasional series of 5 Sunday services from June 2023 through until January 2024 considered how to listen to God, and how to have confidence that it is God we are hearing. Sessions 5 will take place on 6th January 2024.

Using a series of videos called 'The Lectio Course' we have been introduced by various contributors to a simple, yet ancient style of reading the Bible and listening to what God is saying to us.

Watch this video for a taste of what to expect.

Session 1 : Sunday 18th June 2023. Introducing Lectio Divina
During this session, we introduced the Lectio course by watching the first video in the series called 'Introducing Lectio Divina'. As we progress through the course over the next 5 months (one service each month) we will include here the link for the videos so  you can either watch it again, or watch it for the first time. 
Included in this first video is a fascinating story about 'His Master's Voice'. It is worth watching the video just for this, although we encourage you to watch to the end!  
Session 2 : Sunday 16th July 2023  Hearing God through reading the Bible
This session helps us to remember that first and foremost the Word of God is a person, Jesus, and secondly a book, the Bible, which points to Jesus.
The session includes a moving interview with an Eritrean Christian called Helen Berhane, in which she explains why the Bible is so important.
Another video about the life of Helen Berhane can be found below.


Session 3 : Sunday 3rd September 2023.  
Meditation : Hearing the Holy Spirit in our thoughts
In this session we were reminded that christian meditation is not about emptying our minds, but rather about filling them with bible truth. We were encouraged to read a Bible passage using our imagination to sense what we could be seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling.

The 3 keys to meditation are as follows:

1. Embracing and planning for interruption - by slowing down to read the Bible.
2. Exercising intuition - asking ourselves what are the implications for me of the passage I am reading.
3. Applying imagination - to see ourselves in the passage.

The video to accompany this session can be found at:
Session 4 : Sunday 3rd December 2023
Pray : Responding to God in prayer and prophecy
In this session we were encouraged to not just read the Bible, but to pray it as well. With it being the first Sunday of the Advent season, we read the prophecy of the coming of Jesus, recorded in Isaiah 9, 700 years before Jesus was born. We then based our intercessions on this passage, as an exercise in 'praying the Bible'.
We also considered how God can move us to share prophetic words with others, but we need to be very careful that we are certain it is God speaking. One way of checking this is to apply an ABC guide to such things, where A = is it affirming the person we are sharing with?, B= Is it Biblical?, and C= is it Christlike?

The video to accompany this session can be found at:
Session 5
Contemplate : Hearing God in the whole world

The video to accompany this session can be found at:
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