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Walshaw Community Choir

Please contact for further details.

Walshaw Community Choir was launched by the church in 2017. The choir is open to any adults who want to sing. You don't need to audition, but rather just have an enthusiasm to join in and enjoy meeting new people.
The choir meets on Wednesday evenings, term-time only from 7.15 to 8.45pm. Refreshments are provided. Why not come along and join in the fun?
There is no charge for the choir because we don't want anyone to be excluded, but we do encourage those who are able to to make a small donation each session towards the running costs of the choir (photocopying, refreshments etc.), and towards the running costs of the building we use. The church do not charge us a fee for using the building, or for heating  and lighting, and in return we are able to make a contribution to this from our funds.
If you are interested in joining, please drop a line to

Regular Sunday services @ Christ Church
For information about our pattern of services for Sunday mornings please click here

Christmas Concert with Tottington Public Band
Wednesday 6th December 2023

A very successful concert was held in Walshaw Church featuring the Choir and Tottington Public Band. A varied repertoire of Christmas songs was performed by each group, and around 170 people enjoyed the music.
Thank you to the Choir, to Tottington Public Band, the stewards and refreshment team, and of course to everyone who came for contributing to make it a very enjoyable occasion.
Here are some photos and videos of the occasion.

O Holy Night
Partridge in
a Pear Tree
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