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Regular activities at Christ Church
Prayer at Christ Church Walshaw Bury

1st Tuesday each month @ 7.30pm in church

Our monthly informal prayer time, lasts about an hour, and is a time when we pray for our church, our community and the world.
We also run prayer chain, to share prayer needs. When someone asks us to pray about something, we send an email to those church members who are on the prayer chain, and then we can all pray in an informed way.

Prayer requests can be sent to

Small groups at Christ Church walshaw Bury

Small groups
There are opportunities to join small groups meeting on a weekly or fortnightly basis, daytime or evening, to study God's word and learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

If you would like to join such a group, contact

School links
We have close links with our local church primary school - Christ Church CoE Primary School, Walshaw  

Holy Communion at Walshaw Hall
On a monthly basis members of our church visit and share in Holy Communion with residents at our local residential care home.

Walshaw Baby & Toddler Group
This group was launched in September 2017 meeting on Wednesday mornings during term-time from 10am until 11.15am.

Through the sessions we aim to provide a secure, happy, and loving place for children and their carers to meet, mix, try out lots of fun activities, and grow new friendships and support networks in their local community. The sessions include creative activities, singing and stories. 

Walshaw Community Choir
On Wednesdays during term-time from at 7.15 until 8.45pm WALSHAW COMMUNITY CHOIR meet and sing together at Christ Church Walshaw.

The community choir was launched in January 2018 and sings all kinds of genres of music, and performs occasional concerts. The church launched this very much as a community project to enable people to meet and have fun together.

The choir is open to all 16+ whether you think you can sing or not - come along on your own or with a friend ... there will be a warm welcome for all. 

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