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Children & Young People

Down on the floor singing a song at our all age service

Banners made during an all age service

Christ Church Walshaw is very much a church for people of all ages. However over the last couple of years or so we have been working very hard to make sure our committment to children & young people is matched by our actions.
Baby & Toddler Group
Every Wednesday morning 10am - 11.15am we have a very busy group for babies and children 0 - 5 years old and their carers. There are lots of great toys and craft activities, and we have a story time and songs. Plus there is time for parents / carers to chat, get to know each other and enjoy the refreshments.

Songs at Baby & Toddler group
Children's Church
On the second and fourth Sunday morning of each month we have Children's Church for children up to and including primary school Year 6. This takes place while our ordinary service is happening in the main church. The children are in the main service to start as we sing together, and they rejoin us at Holy Communion and again at the end of the service to share with the church what they have been doing ... crafts, prayers, songs ...

Banners up in church made by Year 5 as part of a Bible project
Steve (our previous Vicar) in school talking about Holy Communion
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