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Toddler Worship Online

'Toddler Worship' & 'Play & Pray' from Christ Church Walshaw Online

Please click on the icons & buttons below for a short worship time on video for toddlers or for a worship activity for toddlers.


The worship videos include Steph, with the help of Wiggle, telling a story, saying prayer and leading us in a song. Much of this will be very familiar to children who have attended our Baby & Toddler Group over the last two years.


The worship activities ... 'Play & Pray' cards ... include a fun activity as well as a fun way to pray to God for toddlers.

For the prayers hold one hand in the other & speak your prayer words into them. Blow them up to God for him to catch. Say a roly-poly up ‘Amen!’ (roll your hands round & round each other going higher as you do & finish with a loud ‘Amen’).

AND don't forget to take a picture of you doing the activity and then post it on to Twitter of FaceBook and tag @Walshaw Church


We hope to post new worship sessions and Play & Pray activities each week over the coming weeks while we are unable to meet and worship in church ... probably alternating between a video one week and a Play & Pray the other.

Click to join in with our story & song
Click to go to the video story & song
Noah 1
Click to go to the video story & song
Click to join in with our story & song
Click to join in with our story & song
Noah 2
Noah 3
Joseph 1
Joseph 3
Joseph 2
Joseph 4

More video links here:


Morning Worship for older folk has its own page. Have a look HERE 


Worship videos familiar to the children of Christ Church CofE Primary in Walshaw, and the church family of Christ Church Walshaw, can be found HERE

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