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10 minutes with God

'10 minutes with God': 7.30pm Tuesday evening prayer time online

Every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm we share, online, a short time to pray. The session, led by different members of the Christ Church Walshaw church family, includes a short Bible reading and some prayers for those we love and care about, our community, our nation and the world.

The session are recorded to help us to pray when it can be sometimes so difficult to know what to pray for or what to say to God. We hope you find them helpful.

You can join in through our You Tube channel, here, at 7.30pm.

If you miss the prayer time don't worry ... you can watch and use the video anytime afterwards by going to our You Tube page.

To access our videos for worship used on a Sunday morning please click HERE

Prayer at this Time

Praying for our community and nation

Please pray for those who are anxious, poorly or self isolating; those who are working so hard in the health services as well as parents at home with their children; children and young people who have finished school prematurely; the elderly and vulnerable; those who are worried about their jobs and finances; and for those in authority with great responsibility. If you are praying at home you might want to use the little prayer booklet produced by the Church of England to help you if you are having difficulty knowing where to start.. please click here or the icon. You can use the booklet online or print it off.

Prayer for the Day:

Listen or read a prayer each day on the CofE website and join in with thousands of others saying these words HERE

Daily Hope:

Prefer to use the telephone rather than the internet? Do youknow someone who hasn't got access to the internet? This free 24 hour a day telephone line might be for you or your friend then.

Music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a free telephone line 24 hours a day: 0800 804 8044

Staying connected with God


The best way we can stay connected with God is by spending some time with Him each day … listening to Him and speaking to Him. Are you dedicating some part of your day just to God?

Here are a few resources which you might find helpful … resources (online devotionals) which can help you to pray and to read the Bible.

Have a look at them and decide which is best for you …

Lectio 365:

Written by leaders from the 24-7 Prayer movement, and produced in partnership with CWR, this resource helps you engage with Scripture to inspire prayer and shape your life. With the help of this app on your smart phone each day Pause, Rejoice, Reflect, Ask and Yield.

The structure of this time with God is is inspired by ‘Lectio Divina’, a way of meditating on the Bible that’s been used by Christians for centuries.

Each week focuses on one of six practices that help us live like Jesus - prayer, mission, justice, creativity, hospitality and learning and Lectio 365 also follows the rhythm of the Christian year too.

Both text and audio options are available and you can download up to a week in advance to read or listen to later.

You can download the Lection 365 app from Apple’s App Store and the Android Paly Store by clicking HERE.

My Utmost for His Highest - Oswald Chambers:

Each day of these beautiful and at the same time challenging devotionals are based on a short text from the Bible and are relatively short. However you will find yourself returning to them through the day again and again. The devitionals also include some words of ‘Wisdom from Oswald Chambers’ as well as a guide to reading the Bible in a year if you want to do that.

Oswald Chambers (1874 – 1917) teaching and preaching took him for a time to the United States and Japan and the last six years of his life were spent as principal of the Bible Training College in London and as a chaplain to British Commonwealth troops in Egypt during World War l. After his death, the books which bear his name were compiled by his wife from her own verbatim shorthand notes of his talks.

The devotionals are available online here:

And you can even have them emailed to you each day for free.

Alternatively you can buy the book “My utmost for his highest” having given it a try online or download the app from Apple’s App Store of the Android Play Store.

GAFCON Devotionals:

GAFCOn stands for Global Anglical Future Conference and the Gafcon movement is a global family of authentic Anglicans standing together to retain and restore the Bible to the heart of the Anglican Communion. You can find out more about this world wide movement led by Bishops and Archbishops from around the world here:

The daily devotionals from GAFCON vary .. some on consecutive days follow through a book of the Bible, some celebrate particular feasts and saints and some are based on topical themes. At the end of each devotional there is a prayer.

They are online here

where you can also listen to them in English.

You can also have them emailed to you each day for free from the Gafcon site.

Encounter with God / Daily Bread: Scripture Union

These daily readings and reflections plus a short prayer are available in a little booklet produced every 3 months by Scripture Union. Each guide helps the reader to understand the riches hidden in the Bible (Old and New Testament), and suggests ways of applying God’s message to the challenges of today’s world. 

Copies can be purchased through Andrew in church or from 'Isaiah 53 Christian Bookshop' in Bolton (just Google them for their on line details). Each guide costs £5 for 3 months - that’s about 6p per day for a quality read and spending time with God.

Encounter with God is also published online each day on the SU website here: and 

and you can also receive the readings by email for free too by ordering them here.

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