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Going Deeper

Previous 'Books of the Month'

Week commencing 24th May 2020

'How to Pray: a simple guide for normal people'

Pete Greig

“Prayer was never supposed to be perplexing. In 'How to Pray', Pete Greig offers a simple guide to prayer: what it is, who it's for, and what it can achieve.” 

Week commencing 21st June 2020

'What's so mazing about grace'

Philip Yancey

“Grace does not excuse wrong but treasures the wrongdoer. True grace is shocking, scandalous. It shakes our conventions with it's insistence on getting close to evil and touching it with mercy and hope." Philip Yancey

Week commencing 19th July 2020

'God and the Pandemic'

Tom Wright
BishopTom Wright examines our initial reactions to the Pandemic looking 'to blame' and 'seeing what might not be there' and instead, he invites us to consider a different way of seeing and responding – a way that draws on the teachings and examples of scripture, and above all on the way of living, thinking and praying revealed to us by Jesus

Week commencing 16th August 2020

'Paradoxology: Why Christianity was never meant to be simple'

Krish Kandiah

A bit of a modern classic (2014) this very 'easy to read book' explores some of the paradoxes which seem to undermine our Christian faith when old answers seem to have worn thin. Chapters address paradoxes including 'The God who needs nothing but asks for everything', The God who is actively inactive' and 'The God who wins as He loses'

Week commencing 20th September 2020

Striking Out:

Archbishop Stephen Cottrell

This book came out of Stephen's 700 km pilgrimage walk to Santiago de Compostela, in Spain, and contains prayers, poems, reflections and images.

Whether you have been on pilgrimage in the past, whether you are thinking about walking the ‘Camino’, or you are happy to ‘go’ on pilgrimage while staying at home, you might find this is the book for you.

Teaching to help us grow as disciples of Jesus

Week commencing 24th May 2020

Ravi Zacharias

'Why I believe Jesus'

Week commencing 7th June 2020

Michael Reeves 

'Explaining the Trinity'

Week commencing 21st June 2020

Philip Yancey 

'What Grace?'

Week commencing 5th July 2020

Nicky Gumbel

'Where are you God?'

Week commencing 19th July 2020

Tom Wright

'God and the Pandemic'

Week commencing 2nd August 2020

'With God on our side'

produced by Porter Speakman

Week commencing 16th August 2020

John Ortberg

'When the game is over it all goes back in the box'

Week commencing 30th August 2020

Elaine Storkey CBE

'Women in a Patriarchal World'

Week commencing 13th September 2020

Katharine Hayhoe

'Christians & Climate Change'

Dr Katharine Hayoe, a Canadian, is a college professor, 'UN Champion of the Earth' and has made it into Times Magazines '100 Most Influential People' and Fortune Magazine's '50 World's Great Leaders'. She is also a Christian. During this really interesting 42 minute video Katharine celebrates the brilliant gift of the earth and explores what we know, what we believe and why it matters. She also talks about our relationship with the earth and what our God given responsibilities are to the planet and to one another. And if you're a bit sceptical about climate change and global warming this is definitely the video for you!,

Week commencing 27th September 2020

Jeff Lucas

'Living for Jesus in Turbulent Times'

This is not the first time in history that civilisations and Christians have lived through challenges. In this talk, Jeff, an author, speaker and broadcaster, puts our current situation in context historically and biblically and offers ways we, as Christians, can offer value during these times.

As restrictions become tighter again due to the CV19 situation this is a very apt talk which is packed with gems across a range of subjects which are relevant for the church at this or any time.

Recorded for Spring Harvest April 2020 in this 30 minute ‘armchair talk’ Jeff helps us think about the church in Antioch in Acts 11 and what we can learn about encouragement; evangelism; the content of the psalms; grace; our commitment to church; our attitude to suffering; and surviving turbulence.

He even suggests we ‘stop attending church’! What does he mean?

Fortnight commencing 18th October 2020

Francis Chan

'The Simple Gospel'

Francis is an author and pastor and he founded a large church in Simi Valley, California and a church planting movement of house churches in San Francisco. He also founded Eternity Bible College. Earlier this year he moved to work in the poorest district in Hong Kong, where he was born.

In this short talk, made in one of his house churches before he left for Hong Kong … in someone’s front room … Francis helps us think about how we are in danger when we are deceived into accepting what the secular world says about God; how we can deceive ourselves when depart from orthodox Christianity, and sound theology and doctrine, and think of God and what he requires of us using our imagination to make God what we, or the secular world, wants him to be.

He also talks about God’s grace and how important it is for us to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus.

For Francis this was one of the last teaching sessions with this house church before he went to Hong Kong and he wanted to share with them what he thought was the most important message. He said to the gathering: “You guys have to know this stuff”. So do we we!

Week commencing 31st May 2020 (Pentecost)

Jim Cymbala

'Holy Spirit Directed Ministry'

Week commencing 14th June 2020

Tim Keller 

'You must be born again'

Week commencing 28th June 2020

J John 

'If God asked you to do something, would you do it?'

Week commencing 12th July 2020

Andy Stanley

'Don't settle for Christian'

Week commencing 26th July 2020

Stephen Cottrell


Week commencing 9th August 2020

Andy Stanley

'What it means to have faith'

Week commencing 23rd August 2020

John Macarthur

'The Ordinary Church'

Week commencing 6th September 2020

Justin Welby

'Evangelism in a Multi Faith Context'

Week commencing 20th September 2020

Christine Caine 

‘The courage to let go of your past.’

Christine has written a large number of books and is in demand internationally as a speaker. She has been very active in combating human trafficking, and has founded very fruitful ministries which affirm women and work with young people.

In this talk Christine helps us to think about how our past … good and bad … can dictate who we are now, as well as our future, if we let it. She doesn’t suggest that we forget our past or pretend it didn’t happen but rather how we need to let go of it, no matter what it is like, so that we can press towards the goal, to win the prize God has called us to. So this video is for us all.

Fortnight commencing 4th October 2020

Tim Keller

'Racism and Corporate Evil: A White Guy’s Perspective '

Have the Black Lives Matter movement and protests about statues of people who lived 200 years ago made you stop and think about racism, our moral responsibility for the actions of our society past and present, and the extent to which racism runs through our society today?

This weeks Going Deeper video from Tim Keller will humbly encourage you to think on these things from a biblical perspective. Perhaps you have thought ‘I am not racist’ or ‘racism isn’t that bad these days in our institutions’. If you have Tim will help you to develop your understanding of how we are all responsible for racism in our culture … in our community.

While this 26 minute video was recorded 3 years ago it really does speak into these current times and could change your perspective on racism.


You might remember that Tim was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few months ago. The great news is that the treatment he has been receiving is impacting on the tumour though with side effects. Please continue to hold Time and his family in your prayers.

Week commencing 1st November 2020

Bishop David Walker

'A reflection for All Souls'

Monday 2nd November is All Souls Day when we remember those who we have loved and are no longer with us. In this short talk the Bishop of Manchester helps us to look backwards, forwards and outwards, and he reflects on how this year has been so difficult for those who have lost loved ones.


'Book of the Month'

Week commencing 18th October 2020

‘Secret Believers: What happens when Muslims turn to Christ?’ - Brother Andrew & Al Janssen

While most Islamic countries around the world claim to tolerate freedom for believers of all religions to practice their faith, the reality for isolated Christian groups and individuals is very different. Thousands of ‘Muslim Background Believers’ suffer daily rejection; are prohibited from sharing their faith; and are threatened and in extreme cases beaten or even killed by extremist Muslims.

Here ‘God Smuggler’ Bother Andrew has written a thrilling novel, tracing the intertwined lives of a small group of believers in an unnamed Islamic country. The story becomes all the more fascinating as we realise that the stories are all based on the actual experiences of real people Andrew meets on a regular basis.

He also shows us how we, who are privileged in practising our faith without fear or persecution, can support those who are not.

This book help you to be a ‘World Christian’ and it will impact on your prayer life too.

Bother Andrew is the author of the multi-million selling ‘God Smuggler’ and is the founder of Open Doors, an organisation which supports persecuted Christians around the world.

Week commencing 8th November 2020

Lee Strobel

'The Case for Christ'

Lee is a former legal editor of a major US newspaper who for years resisted hearing the Gospel after his wife became a believer. What he did do is start a two year investigation into the claims in the New Testament about Jesus with the hope of disproving God's word. However God was at work in his life and he eventually accepted Jesus into his life having found that the story of Jesus in the Bible is irrefutable.

Lee went on to write a book about what he found and eventually a movie was made about his investigations and how God changed his life.

In this 39 minute talk Lee summarises the tings he found out through his investigations which shifted his mind and heart about the truth surrounding the resurrection of Jesus..

He really is an engaging speaker and has a challenge for us all at the end.

Week commencing 15th November 2020

Lee Strobel

'The Case for Miracles'

Last week, if you remember, our Going Deeper video was ‘The Case for Christ’ from Lee Strobel. I hope you enjoyed the video and found it helpful.

This weeks video is another Lee Strobel talk ‘The Case for Miracles’ … a subject he has also written about also. During the video Lee talks about his investigations into miracles and asks, and responds to, all the questions we have about miracles … including what is a miracle; how common are they; and how can we know a miracle is genuine? He does this with the help of some fantastic stories.

As you will have seen last week, Lee is a lovely speaker and this video is commended to you this week to help deepen your faith.

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